Thursday, May 31, 2012

We're working on a new project called "deep in the woods".
Stay tuned for more news.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New fonts

At the moment we are installing fonts for new designs for our clothes and samples.
Furthermore we're looking for shops for selling our products.
Stay tuned untill we'll present some results.

Sebastian from Inguz-Designz.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


After a while we've chosen a videoclip as commercial for our brand. It is online on youtube and at this place. It's just a frontsidegrind on a rail in a skatepark in Wuesting near Oldenburg, Germany.
We hope you like it.
Link to the inguz-channel.

Sebastian from Inguz-Designz.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Visit our facebook group!

We've created the inguz-designz-group at facebook.

Join us inguz-designz @

Sebastian from inguz-designz.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Inguz Flyer

We made a simple flyer to attract attention on our new brand.
As motive we've chosen one of our favorite skatespots just around the corner.

We'll place the flyer in the next days. Stay tuned for more news.

Sebastian from INGUZ.

Friday, April 8, 2011


We've finished our tests and here is a result, we've printed our first design in purple colour.

Stay tuned for more informations and other stuff.
Sebastian from INGUZ-DESIGNZ.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


At the moment we are creating our designs for the screens. It will take some days to choose the design, print the foils and develop the screens.
So stay tuned untill we present our first shirt.

Sebastian from Inguz-Designz.